Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Response to peer review / Feb. 23

Dear reviewer:

You are correct in desiring for a more elaborate reason as to why further studies are needed for understand snail body mass increases. I did mention that our tests had insufficient variation to determine a solid conclusion. Just looking a difference in close proximity locations may not be a good as a sole reason.

Chances are very likely that food and water composition are not the only factors for size alterations. Predatory attacks also are a large component to as to how a snail will or will not gain body mass. The body mass also needs to be looked at to determine whether it is the shell or the soft tissue that is gaining in mass. Shells increase for several reasons including abundance of food and lack of predations. Soft tissues increase due to abundance of food, and adaption to current flows where stronger muscle attachment is a consideration.

Should you find an studies that relate further to current flow issues, do let me know. Thank you.

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