Saturday, February 13, 2010

Library and more context / lab results

How did you set up your initial search? Snails – locality - Nucella.

How many articles did you find in this initial search: Five

What criteria did you use to determine whether an article was useful?

1. The number of citations. 2. Reading the abstracts.

"Ed" Abstract by Gary Coleman, Gary Colman Gallery

Citation #1: Biggs, P.E. 1993. Phenotypic changes in the progeny of Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda) transplanted from an exposed shore to sheltered inlets. Journal of Molluscan59: 187-194. Studies

Why is the article useful? The study was looking at shell plasticity for snails transplanted.

What’s the gap? Was there genetic mutation?

What’s the main point? The snail’s progeny differed markedly from that of their parents.

What’s the relevance? Does location matter in total snail mass depends on the site conditions.

Citation #2: Marko, Peter B. 1998. Historical allopatry and the biogeography of speciation in the prosobranch snail genus Nucella. Evolution 52.n3: 757-785.

Why is the article useful? The study was looking at the colonization of dispersal events based on geographic shell sculpture.

What’s the gap? Why did the species recently migrate?

What’s the main point? Climatic vicariance likely plays important roles in determining geographic patterns.

What’s the relevance? Does location matter in total snail mass depend on gene flow, mutation, selection, and drift causing characteristic signatures.

Citation #3: Rolan, E; Guerra-Varela, J.; Colson, I.; Hughes, R.N.; Rolan-Alvarrez, E. 2004. Morphological and genetic analysis of two sympatric morphs of the dogwhelk Nucella Lapillus (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from Galicia (Northwestern Spain). The Malacological Society of London: J. Moll. Stud. 70: 179-185.

Why is the article useful? The study was looking at morphological differentiation due to different degrees of exposure from different localities.

What’s the gap? The relative contributions of classical genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity to variation in shell morphology remains unknown.

What’s the main point? Ecotypes adapted to contrasted habitats.

What’s the relevance? There was a large difference in shell mass depending on whether the snail was exposed or sheltered, and whether they ate mussels or barnacles.


My group members are studying shell mass in relation to crab attacks, so there was no collaboration in our data searches.

My study: Will the Dogwhelk snail grow differently depending on location?

My results: The statistical null hypothesis is that there is not a significant total mass change in Nucella Lamellosa based on location, if their shelter, forging ability, and predator attacks were similar.

Cited examples discussed differences based on genetic adaption if the a new location varied from the initial locations. If there were no variation in location, the total mass change was insignificant. In my own experiment, I would be interested in fully replicating site conditions with Materials and Methods including food type, quantity, and wave pressure.

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