Tuesday, January 12, 2010

T. Bower - Yamane and Gilman

January 10, 2010
BES 301
Yamane and Gilman

Which section of the Results are you analyzing?
1. The emersed body temperature and the submerged body temperature graphs.

What information do the authors tell you to set the stage for their questions(s)?
1. Climate change is anticipated to greatly alter many ecosystems.

What questions do the authors ask?
1. Does temperature drive predator behavior?
2. To what degree?
3. Is the response of body temperature and submerged water temperature the same?
4. Is there a difference between natural or artificial environments?

What experimental design did they use to answer that question?
Submersion rates of 13.5°C compared with 11°C. Plus emersed body temperature of 28°C when compared with intermediate (20°C) and cooler (12°C) aerial temperatures. They incorporated a realistic tidal cycle. They did the experiment six times. The temperatures were manipulated of a 20 day period.

What did they observe?
The predation rate of snails with emersed (increased) body temperature (28E/11S) consumed 75% less. The predation rates of snails exposed to the 12E/13.5S submersion treatment (warmer water) were 150% larger than those of control treatment snails.

What do they conclude from their observations?
Their results reveal a large increase in both predation and growth rates with submersion and higher temperatures.

*The answers were easy once I got used to the repetition of text.

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