Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Data Analysis Lab; Jan 25 continued...

If it’s a bell shaped curve, the mean and median are the same. It the curve is skewed this tells you a story. On a double tailed box chart, some overlap could mean that they are the same. We have multiple replicates for each treatment. We will look for the average change in treatment and growth.

Statistical null hypothesis: Always the same and assumes the averages of the two samples being compared are equal.

T-Test Null Hypothesis: A math model that assumes µa = µb as a normal distribution, and uses the mean to be calculated.

Research Hypothesis: What you think will happen

Two-tale: Either affect of predicted variable can take place

One-tale: Predicted effect (“either/or” ≠ One-tale)

Central Tendency: Where most of your data falls in a distribution. Can be represented by mean, median, and mode, depending on the hypothesis.

Mean: average for normal distribution (mid-point)…it changes in the direction of the tail
Median: “middle” number of data and for skewed distribution
Mode: value with largest occurrence

Measures of Variation: Gives a value to let you know how different your variables have to be. Used when there are no replicates

Standard Deviation: Where 76% of your data is, 2 std. dev. = where 98% of your data is

Standard Deviation Error: Has multiple replicates. SE=stdev/square root of n

Non-Parametric Test: the same as a t-test but uses the median to be calculated.

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